The End

This was the first photo taken of me, the day the humans found me and brought me into the house.

 I was VERY hungry.

I was VERY scared.

I was VERY cute.

They named me Jimmy.

Fin and I became friends fast.

 Darnell took a while to like me.

I loved my new family.

One day I got caught chewing shoes.

Thats how I became Jimmie Chew.

I was interested in the camera.

I thought I could become a model and help pay some cat bills.

 I started practicing.

I learned some tricks.

We had so many pictures, we thought we should start a blog.

We decided I would blog for a year.

I practiced my tricks everyday.

Sometimes I got interrupted.

Sometimes I got distracted.

(I got distracted a lot)

 I started going out to clear my head.

I met new friends.

(I started wearing sweaters)

 I fell in love.

I became a very cool cat.

I became a very smart cat.

 But I wasnt having any luck with my modelling career.

 I was a very happy cat.

I fought with Fin over treats.

Darnell and I never fought.

We always shared our treats.

 We sent my picture to various contests we found on-line. I went to a few modeling agency’s, but they were all crooks.


My year of blogging is now over,

and I am happy to say this picture of me below will be in a 2014 Calendar from Workman Publishing in NYC.

(it’s a start)

I had a great time writing this Meowmoir.

My plan for next year is to try to make movies.

                                                                                          The End.  


I want to Thank You for watching me grow!

                                                                                                      Jimmie Chew

93 responses »

      • Oh, so sad. Our eyes get confoozled by video. We prefer things should stay in one place. Well, but — wider horizons for you are calling. We will miss Mr. Jimmie. We love Mr. Jimmie, the gang — and you.

  1. So that is why you are called Jimmie Chew! This was a brilliant farewell post Jimmie. I have really enjoyed your wonderful pictures. Congratulations on your 2014 Calendar gig. I wish you every success with your movie career x

  2. Oh, Jimmie! My cats and I will miss you very much.

    We enjoyed watching you grow and learn. Make sure you at least post here to tell us what your youtube name is when you start uploading your videos!! Take care and best of luck to you ❤

  3. Jimmie,

    I’m not bored with watching funny photos of the things that you bite, and even though you don’t have anything for the vet to take away any more, I still enjoy your blog updates!

  4. Jimmie, I so loved learning of your origin. How so very tiny you were 🙂 And in the third photo you say you were scared but your big wide eyes don’t seem to hold fear. They’re just plain old beautiful! I loved how they all took you in, even if Darnell took a little longer with it.

    You so make me smile 🙂

  5. Oh No….I didn’t know that this is the last post of you, Jimmy Chew….*sniff sniff* The first time I read about you was your interview with Rumpy dog! I look forward to watching your movie, Jimmy Chew!!! Good Luck! 🙂

  6. What a lovely overview of your year, and belated happy birthday! I understand why your humans can’t keep blogging as much, it’s time consuming and they need to find ways to pay for the food you and your brothers keep chewing through!
    But I hope we’ll still hear from you occasionally, even if it’s just links to your videos? (I’d pay to see you on the big screen!)

  7. Oh, Jimmie, I knew you always said you’d only blog for a year, but I thought you’d get hooked and continue. The Internet will be a poorer place without you, but I look forward to your videos. Cole, Adele, and I wish Karen would work on her technical skills so we could do videos, too.

    Karen’s publisher has been putting out a calendar related to her book, “How to Work Like a CAT” since 2009, and not one of us at Cats Working has ever been in it! So I tip my hat to you, my friend, for breaking into that field. It’s quite an achievement.

    I will miss your posts, but respect your desire to move on. Please stay in touch.

    Your friend,

  8. Oh no! I’ll miss you. 😦
    I always enjoyed Jimmy Chew’s blog!
    Well, you know my email. Feel free to drop me a mail so now and then. 🙂

    P.S. Ailurous is my other account. Forgot to log out!

  9. Thank you so much for sharing your meowmir with us over the last year! Loved all of it. If you start in the movie industry (and you upload to youtube) let us know your channel so we can subscribe! Have a wonderful career and good luck.

  10. Dearest Jimmie…
    I am so emotional right now I can hardly write. You were my very first friend on wordpress and I’m very sad that you’re leaving.

    I suppose it’s what happens to models sometimes, they transition into movies, but just so you know I’ll be thinking of you and if you go to L.A. please don’t forget to leave a forwarding address.

    Good luck



  11. Aw, I’m a bit sad too, you were one of the first I followed, and the very first I drew pictures of! We’ve both come a long way since then, though, so if it’s time to do new things, then it is time. I will miss these posts, however. Thank you for the meowmir and thank you for introducing me to do many wonderful people!

  12. I will miss all those cute pictures of you. I’ve always looked forward to seeing them. I hope to see you in the movies. Let us know when your first one comes out.

  13. Oh Jimmie – we will miss you! All us kitties here would read your blog and tell momsy about the cool toys you had. And momsy would get some for us because she trusted your judgement. So thanks Jimmie!
    We all love your stories through pictures. Think you would be a very popular children’s book!
    Don’t disappear!

  14. Hey Jimmie C! I found you way too late and you are leavnin’ way too early!! But I get the whole ‘one year’ thing. That is what I said I would do too…to tell the story of my recovery from trauma process…still have a long way to go. I know we are related…just check out my fur and yours, you’ll see. So I will keep lookin’ for ya in the blog-o-sphere or you tube! paw pats, Savannah

  15. Oh no! Whee were so late finding you that whee missed most of the action! Those are some great pigtures though. However the one of you watching the pet shop guinea pigs made us very nervous. *gulp*

    Nibbles, Nutty, Bingo & Buddy

  16. I loved this! So creative Thanks for stopping by my blog and giving me an opportunity to see yours. My favorite photo? A hard choice, but it’s the one where Jimmy Chew is holding the paper umbrella.

  17. Great Picture story. Happy bday big boy. I love that you chew shoes! Keep up the photo career. You have lots of fans out here in the blogisphere, even if it doesn’t pay the rent. – DogDaz

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