Tag Archives: Humor

Happy Birthday Fin and Darnell

Once again Mom deleted the good pictures by accident and this was all that was left.

 (she is very mad at herself, again)

We were just hanging out when mom came over and said it was Fin and Darrell’s birthday and she had gifts.

She wanted to blow up balloons and have a party.

(I couldn’t wait)

For Fin and Darnell 2nd birthday we got some grass, some cat nip,

(I hate hats)

a drinking fountain,

some dental toys,

and an addition to our kitty city.

(I couldn’t wait)

 I was tired from all the excitement.

Happy Birthday Fin and Darnell!!!


Mom has a new friend,

well she has two new friends.

They have been coming to her house every morning to get nuts. The small one isn’t afraid of her, she hangs out while mom puts the nuts on the railing. We think she’s a girl because the big one is messy and the little one is a neat freak. If the little one drops a nut on the ground, she goes and gets it. The big one just looks down and continue eating like nothing happened. I was at mom’s house the other morning and met the little girl squirrel. She wasnt afraid of me either. We named her Sally. (do cats hunt squirrels)

Sally loves those nuts.

 I have been going nuts with this plastic jumping bean. 

I carry it around the house,

I roll around with it on the floor.

I tried to get Fin involved

 but he thinks I’m nuts.

He hasn’t been happy lately.

 Fin has been hiding from Darnell,

who has gone completely nuts since we got a new addition to our kitty city.

 Darnell has been hunting Fin

and kicking his butt.

We’ve all gone a little nuts with the new scratching posts.

But I still like to go nuts in my tunnel.

Another reason why we think Darnell has gone nuts is because mom has been giving him grass.

I just want to play with it.

That drives Darnell nuts.

 D is serious about his grass. He tries to get it away from me.

(I prefer spinach anyway).

I sent my sexy girlfriend Usyaka some gifts (yes, I’m a good boyfriend) and she finally got them! (she lives in a different country, it’s a long distance relationship) Shes been going nuts playing with everything!http://usyaka.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/presents/

 We have a million toys but Darnell is nuts about his chirping bird. He will find it no matter where the humans hide it.

 Darnell is nuts about this bird toy.

I’m nuts about Usyaka.

(and moms shoes)

(Fin is just nuts).


I dont know where the humans have been going without me but I sure like all the boxes they’ve been coming home with.

One box was the best box

I loved it!

It came with three balls that you have to try to take out.

I got really good at getting all the balls out.

But then I lost all the balls.

   I started looking for the balls but I got distracted

The new furry bed from another box

  was distracting me all last week.

I didn’t want to do anything else but “play” with that furry bed, mom had to take it away from me.

Yesterday mom left me at the vets office for a while.

When she picked me up I showed her a certificate of bravery Dr. Katz gave me.

This morning mom gave me the furry bed back so I could relax on it 

But I was distracted

I was looking for my balls.

Mom said the balls are gone forever and now I have to learn to get the treats out of the toy box.

 I will try not to be so easily distracted in the future that I lose things. It hurts when you lose the things you love. I loved my balls.   


I have been neglected this week! Mom is working on opening up a clothing store, she hasn’t been around all week!

She felt really bad, so she made me the homemade cat treat that I loved when I was sick a few weeks ago.


(Now that she knows about Brewers yeast, she used it)

  It didn’t make up for her neglecting me, but I’ll take it. I missed her. When she slept over, I laid on her arm all night purring. When she moved, I bit her gently.

 Darnell has been nice to me, we have gotten closer this week.

I modeled and practised my tricks a little yesterday.

I’m getting closer to hitting the keys on the piano, mom is so proud.

I was having a good time with mom,

But Darnell and Fin (as always) had to interrupt me. 

(oh that Fin)

I dont mind sharing the spot light and treats with them,

it’s just hard to concentrate when they are constantly meowing. We can’t put them in another room, we tried that once.


For some reason D has been very nice to me, I think he knows I have been depressed not having mom around.

he even started cleaning me again. He knows I feel neglected.

For a minute, he let me play with his bird.

 For a minute.

I’ve been enjoying chewing on the dog toy,

untill Fin takes it away from me

I also got caught stealing yesterday.

I hope mom doesn’t neglect my career when she opens her store. (she already had to reschedule my agent) The good news is that she will have a partner, so she wont have to be there everyday and she can bring me to work with her sometimes ! (I can wear all my sweaters!)

sun spot

It was a tough couple of days with no power at mom’s house. The rain/snow storm on Sat. busted up her town pretty good, it still looks horrible. Most of the roads are closed because of the fallen trees, people still have no lights. (moms finally came on yesterday.) She didn’t have time to practice my tricks with me. She spent the last couple of days at her house taking care of the old dog and cleaning her stinky refrigerator.

So I played in my condo.

I played with the little human.

(I can really spin that)

I played with moms hat (when she came to visit.)

(and her boots.)

Her town even re scheduled Halloween. (like mom will still have candy left on Friday, Ha!!)

I tried modeling for Halloween pictures,

But I wasnt into it.

So instead we played with the disco ball.

Darnell looked like he had eye makeup on from the reflection.

I was enjoying the sun spot we get once a day,

when Fin interrupted.

I had to fight him for that sun spot.

 (I won.)

The next day, Fin was enjoying the sun spot.

(really enjoying it)

 I said “Hey remember yesterday bud”.

So he fought me for it,

(and won.)

I took my bottle cap, (that I so enjoy playing with)

and found a new sun spot.

I am so smart.